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Payment options

To make ordering from our online shop as convenient and secure as possible, we offer a range of payment options.

Payment in advance

Please transfer the invoice amount to our account after receipt of the order confirmation with the corresponding reference. The dispatch of the deliverable goods will take place immediately after receipt of your payment.

fleur ami Bank information: Commerzbank Krefeld BIC/Swift: COBADEFF320 IBAN: DE13 3204 0024 0185 1229 00

or Gladbacher Bank AG BIC/Swift: GENODED1GBM IBAN: DE20 3106 0181 0101 4500 15

Payment by invoice (traders only)

fleur ami existing customers have the option of paying by SEPA corporate direct debit if they have already undergone a positive credit check by our credit insurer Euler Hermes and are covered by a corresponding trade credit insurance policy.

Alternatively, the terms and conditions of this insurance stipulate that existing customers for purchase on account must have purchased goods twice within the last 12 months and paid the associated invoices within the original due date. This is achieved by payment in advance, by credit card, PayPal or cash on collection, for the two deliveries of goods mentioned. Further requirements for the acceptance of a SEPA corporate direct debit mandate:

Your credit institution has its registered office in Germany

We have the original SEPA Direct Debit Mandate signed by the account holder and the bank (procedure described below).

Procedure for issuing a SEPA business-to-business direct debit mandate:

First of all, please send us the data on the account (holder). We have provided a pre-formulated e-mail for you here.

We will then send you a completed mandate form within one working day.

Please read the form carefully and complete it with the signature of the account holder with company stamp and the signature of the bank with stamp.

Now return the complete SEPA Direct Debit Mandate to us in the original.

As soon as we have the original, the mandate is issued.

To do this, please select the payment method Invoice in the shop.

For more information about the SEPA (corporate) direct debit, please visit the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Payment by SEPA corporate direct debit

fleur ami existing customers have the option of paying by SEPA corporate direct debit if they have already undergone a positive credit check by our credit insurer Euler Hermes and are covered by a corresponding trade credit insurance policy.

Alternatively, the terms and conditions of this insurance stipulate that existing customers for purchase on account must have purchased goods twice within the last 12 months and paid the associated invoices within the original due date. This is achieved by payment in advance, by credit card, PayPal or cash on collection, for the two deliveries of goods mentioned. Further requirements for the acceptance of a SEPA corporate direct debit mandate:

Your credit institution has its registered office in Germany

We have the original SEPA Direct Debit Mandate signed by the account holder and the bank (procedure described below).

Procedure for issuing a SEPA business-to-business direct debit mandate:

First of all, please send us the data on the account (holder). We have provided a pre-formulated e-mail for you here.

We will then send you a completed mandate form within one working day.

Please read the form carefully and complete it with the signature of the account holder with company stamp and the signature of the bank with stamp.

Now return the complete SEPA Direct Debit Mandate to us in the original.

As soon as we have the original, the mandate is issued.

To do this, please select the payment method Invoice in the shop.

For more information about the SEPA (corporate) direct debit, please visit the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Payment via PayPal

With PayPal you can also pay easily, quickly and securely in our shop - without any additional fees.

You can find more information about PayPal here

Payment via PayPal PLUS

Pay simply and easily with PayPal PLUS by direct debit, credit card or invoice - even without a PayPal account. During the ordering process, select the PayPal PLUS payment method and the desired payment method. In the next step you will be automatically redirected to the PayPal page to enter the necessary data for the payment.

You can find more information about PayPal PLUS here

Cash payment on collection

In case of a pick-up of the goods, a cash payment on site is also possible. Please select this option during the ordering process.
fleur ami
Opzioni di pagamento Paypal Mastercard Payment_amex Payment_eps Payment_ideal Payment_visa
Opzioni di spedizione DHL Payment Icon 3 Payment Icon 4 Payment Icon 5 Payment Icon 6
* Tutti i prezzi sono comprensivi di IVA. , più le spese di spedizione